One day its 80 degrees, sunny and gorgeous. The next day rain. The next day they say it will rain (damn you Al Roker) and there is nothing but clear skies and warm weather. Go figure. Now it is raining and cold and all I wanna do is curl up in my bed and watch Lifetime for the rest of the night.
But it is Friday. Which means it is somehow already the weekend. How did that happen? It seemed like yesterday was an hour away. But it was a really good week. Monday was spent at work and then Chabad Passover seder where they had dozens of bottles of wine. Like dozens. They take their commandment to drink four glasses seriously (and by drink, you literally have to drink the entire cup in one sip. You are basically shotgunning Manishevitz).
Tuesday I had the day off thanks to all my Jews. And I basically slept all day. Wednesday I also had off and I met up with friends at the Elephant & the Castle where an intense Barcelona fan club meets for every single match and it is always crowded and always ridiculously fun. And whenever there I always manage to run into someone I know, which I love being able to do. Unfortunately Barca lost the Copa del Rey to Real Madrid, but then Madrista Sergio Ramos dropped- and then broke- the trophy so I took that as a sign that God really wanted Barcelona to win the match.
Thursday was a haze- but it was my last day of Thursday classes ever. And in my night class, my teacher has us doing an Arab League simulation which is more entertaining than actually productive/educational (at least for me). It's like everyone in the class needs a reminder that this is not real- you are not actually delegates from Djibouti so calm down and stop saying "Dijibouti" because it makes me giggle.
Which brings us to Friday. Where I have been sitting at work. All day. And Facebook chatting and surfing LameBook.Com. I did get to catch up with my friend Jonas, from Holland, who I love. Who is sarcastic and witty and potentially a model for toothpaste. And takes pictures like this with me:
And this weekend is shaping up to be just as awesome. It is a friend's birthday and it will be at the Chilean Ambassador's house again. Which means I get to salsa dance til at 4am with cute boys and drink Chilean wine- two of my favorite things in life. Next to burritos and puppies, of course.
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