Jan 14, 2011

Week in Review

So folks, I have (almost) officially ended my first week of my last semester of university. It was surprisingly awesome. Monday I headed off to work at the job which I love. I'm basically a glorified switchboard operator, but everyone that I work with is so amazing and kind. There's the mailroom guys who I can always joke around with and who call me "Kardashian" and mock me because I when they were talking about the Jets I had assumed they were enthusing over West Side Story and not a football team. There's Mikey who is always down for a spontaneous duet of anything by Whitney Houston and of course there's an endless slew of awkwardness and office politics that makes me determined to never have a career in which I would be confined to a cubicle and the only highlight of my day is when the pie truck comes around. (Seriously the sight of grown women grabbing their purses and running to each other in high-pitched squeals about blueberry pie makes me contemplate divorcing myself from the human race). 

Heaven for all the type-A people of the world.
Tuesday I had class all day. Blah blah no one wants to hear about that. After class I met up with some good friends where we delighted in some cheesecake at my favorite: the Cheesecake Factory. After I introduced Jenn to the wonders of The Container Store. The little OCD Type-A girl in her rejoiced at the site of so many containers. She was so overwhelmed- it was like taking Chris Hansen to a NAMBLA meeting.

Wednesday I had an interview for an internship that I am sort of apathetic about getting. It is with an organization that works with immigrants and refugees both in the U.S. and abroad. They are also charged with training the Israeli government on the RSD, or Refugee Status Determination- something that is very important to me as I believe that the Israeli government is doing a horrible job in implementing a functional system. My interviewer, however, basically told me that I while I would be assisting in paper writing and research, I would basically be a glorified staple and photocopy girl. I'm already developing a pattern in my career life where I am assigned jobs that basic machinery or moderately-trained chimpanzees can do. It really boosts my ego.

Thursday I had class again all day. I ended up switching into a new class, Israeli Cinema, with an old professor of mine. I took the class thinking that we could kick back and watch movies that I had probably already seen a dozen times before. I was totally wrong. True, we will be seeing a lot of movies that I have already seen, but we will be analyzing them scene-by-scene and camera angle by camera angle. It sounds like it will be really challenging and interesting. And I get to kick back and watch movies that I have probably already seen a dozen times before. Win-win. 

And that leads us to today. I had an astounding day at work today. One of those days that I wish I could freeze and go back to you years from now. I ended up sitting in the breakroom during lunch with two of the mailroom guys. They have lived in DC their whole lives and we ended up on a fascinating discussion about racism, culture and gentrification of DC- something that I have always wanted to explore with DC residents, but just never had the opportunity to. We spoke for a good hour and it was so interesting and candid and honest. I'm not going to lie- it was also a great ego boost for me to have them compliment my personality and praise my opinions. I definitely enjoyed today and I have an even more fun-filled night planned that I am sure all my blogger readers just can't wait to read about. Right, mom?

So with that I leave you to go play around on Facebook for the next hour until I get to swipe my card and check out. Then it's a three day weekend for me. Anyone have more exciting plans than just sleeping, eating and catching up on the latest episode of "I Used to be Fat?" It is understandably tough to top that... 

Until next time!


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